Lattice Blog

Education | Products | Training Tips

How to choose a chalk for rock climbing

A.k.a. Chalk Selection and Why it’s so Hard to Grasp Choosing the right chalk can be a bit of a minefield. There are so many…

By Jemma Powell

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Education | Endurance | Training Tips | Videos

What is endurance training in climbing?

Endurance training is probably one of the most misunderstood aspects of training for climbing. We think that, because we fall off when we’re ‘pumped’, we…

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Does Flashing a Replica Count as the Send?

The Curious Case of Replica Ethics. Does it still count as a flash if you’ve trained on a replica? Is replica training cheating?  Answers to…

By Lisa Bastian

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Education | Older Climbers | Strength & Power

Anabolic Resistance: The Effects of Ageing on Muscle & Strength

As we age, we may find it harder to build and maintain muscle. This is because our bodies become less responsive to anabolic stimuli. This…

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Education | Menopause | Older Climbers | Strength & Power | Women's Training Series

Menopause & Strength: Muscle Mass in Older Climbers

Effects of Menopause: Declining Levels of Estrogen As female athletes get older, developing strength may become harder. As women and people reach the menopause, the…

By Mina Leslie-Wujastyk

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Education | Mindset & Mental Training | Strength & Power | Training Tips

What is RPE? How do I know my ‘Rating of Perceived Effort’?

Rating of Perceived Effort (RPE) is a common term in training. But what is it? RPE is measurement of the conscious sensation of how hard,…

By Cam Hartley

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Education | Finger Strength

Finger Strength Training for Climbers

There is a lot of information out there about managing finger strength gains, the best methods, the best practices and what not to do! Which…

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Education | Endurance | Strength & Power

Training Energy Systems: The Climbers Guide

Whether you have been training for 5 years, or are just starting out, the phrase “energy systems” will likely be on your radar. Energy system…

By Maddy Cope

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Education | Research & Data

Capillarisation and The Importance To Rock Climbing Performance

Capillaries are an important physical feature of the body – more on that shortly – that climbers, especially route climbers, inadvertently obsess about. When I…

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Education | Research & Data

Testosterone: The Effects of Ageing and Exercise

Testosterone is a naturally secreted ‘androgenic’ hormone. It is responsible for the promotion of secondary male-sex characteristics, and plays a significant role in muscle growth…

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