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Climbing Training Plan PLUS

£115.00 every 4 weeks

  • 100% personalised training plan
  • Crafted by a world-class expert coach
  • Ongoing support throughout your plan
  • Flexible plan edits - last minute trip? No problem!
  • Unique to your goals, focused on your needs
  • Improve in any (or multiple) disciplines: boulder, trad, sport, and beyond!
  • Includes full remote assessment
  • Track your progress in the Lattice app
  • 15% discount to use at your leisure in the Lattice Training shop
  • 36% off 'A Climbers Guide to Training' online course

If the above places are out of stock, please join our waitlist and we’ll be in touch when a space becomes available.

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Video Consultation

open quotation A unique program built by the most knowledgeable coaches! closed quotation

Tommy Caldwell

Lattice Client & Professional Climber

How we deliver

Step 1:


You will receive a complete remote assessment to test your physical performance and uncover your strengths and weaknesses.

Step 2:


Discover how you compare to other climbers at your grade! Not only have we trained thousands of athletes, we have the largest dataset of metrics on climbers in the world!

Step 3:


From your results, your coach will create a 100% custom plan, based on your unique strengths, weaknesses and goals! Every plan is written from scratch, and accounts for your available time, facilities, preferred sessions, and experience.

Step 4:


Your personal coach is available via our in-app chat to support you throughout your journey. Not only will they answer all your questions, our plans are fully flexible, meaning your coach can adjust your plan for any last-minute changes.

Step 5:


You can follow, track and log your plan progress on our Lattice Training app; featuring a built-in timer, easy-to-use scheduler and coach chat. Everything you need in one handy app!

Buy Now

Key Points

  • 14 week minimum commitment
  • 4 weeks notice required prior to cancellation
  • 4-weekly subscription
  • Payment required upfront

What do I pay today?

  • £115 to pay today

What do I pay in the future?

  • £115 every 4 weeks

Please note: bank transaction fees may apply to currently unsupported currencies

  • You must be over 18 years of age
  • You must have climbed V4/6B boulder or 6b+/5.10+ sport in the last 12 months
  • You must be able to hang your bodyweight on a 20mm rung for 10 seconds or more
  • You must be willing to carry out a minimum of 14 weeks of training
  • You must not be injured (see FAQs for more details)
  • You must accept that the testing and completion of the training plan does carry a risk of injury
  • Please get in touch if you are pregnant or less than 12 months postpartum

Required (assessment only)

To complete your assessment, you will need the following equipment:
  • 20mm flat edge (e.g. Lattice Training Rung or Beastmaker 1000)
  • Pull-up bar
  • Weighing scales
  • A means for adding weight: a weight belt or climbing harness, sling or Lifting Pin, a carabiner, and weights*.
  • A pulley system for removing weight: a climbing harness, a pulley device (e.g. Petzl Partner), a sling or Lifting Pin, 3 carabiners, 2m length of rope, and weights*.
  • Dumbbells (typically, 10-50kg in 2.5kg increments)
  • TRX or rings
  • A Flex Mat or measuring tape (and potentially an extra set of hands to use it)


For your training, we recommend the following equipment**:
  • Regular access to climbing facilities***
  • 20mm flat edge (e.g. Lattice Training Rung or Beastmaker 1000)
  • Pull-up bar
  • A means for adding weight: a weight belt or climbing harness, sling or Lifting Pin, a carabiner, and weights*.
  • Some free weights

Alternatively, you could try our Climbing Training Plan.

If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch.

  • *Typically, 10-60kg in 2.5kg increments, but this may be more or less.
  • **While the equipment listed is recommended, if you don’t have access to everything, this shouldn’t be a problem. All our plans are 100% customised to you, including the facilities and equipment you have access to.
  • ***This may be a climbing gym, home training board, or outdoor climbing.


No problem! Many of our clients come to us for their first coaching experience.

Your 1:1 coach is only a message away. They’re always on hand to help, from answering your questions to teaching you how to structure your training.


We work with clients all over the globe. All of our coaching services are offered remotely so you can access world-class training, wherever you are based.

Most of the climbers we work with have full time jobs, often with families and other responsibilities.

Our Coached Plans are ideal for a busy lifestyle. Not only are they 100% customised, they are also flexible, meaning if something last minute comes up, your coach can edit your plan to suit.

We have experience working with athletes across a huge range of abilities; from those attempting their first V6 all the way up to professional rock climbers.

For a Coached Plan, in the last 12 months, you must have bouldered V5/6C or sport climbed 7a+/5.12a.

Interested in our Coached Plans, but climbing V4/6B boulder or 6b+/5.10+ sport? Check out our Lattice Training Plans.

For a Flexibility Training Plan, in the last 12 months, you must have bouldered V4/6B or sport climbed 6b+/5.10+.

Absolutely not! Most of our clients are aged 35-50 (and we have worked with climbers well into their golden years!).

All of our climbers in this age range – whether they started late in life or not – are perfectly capable of getting stronger and fitter, and we see this on a weekly basis.

Yes, of course!

We’ll work with you to find the healthy balance between structured and unstructured climbing that’s necessary to keep your training sustainable in the long-term; whether that’s structured climbing indoors in the week and unstructured climbing outdoors at the weekends, or squeezing training into your lunch break to complement your social climbing in the evening.

Our training plans are focused on developing the physical attributes needed for climbing. Your coach will look at the results of your testing and write a custom physical training plan to develop these.

If you’re hoping to focus on developing technique, we would recommend you work with a local in-person coach. Our coaches are able to offer some feedback from videos of you climbing, however, the focus of our plans is to develop your physical characteristics.


open quotation Achieving new levels of performance can be hard after 35 years of climbing. Having a unique program built by the most knowledgeable coaches helped me to prioritize the important stuff, avoid injury, and build a belief that I could be stronger. This ultimately led to some great progression in my climbing. closed quotation

Tommy Caldwell

open quotation The Lattice Training Climbing Training Plan PLUS has been the single best investment in my improvement as a climber. closed quotation

Joe Forrester

open quotation I have never felt healthier. I have never felt stronger. I have a better grasp on fear. closed quotation

Hank Stein