2025-01-06 23:59:00
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4 week course
1 hour per week
50+ lessons
4 hours of content
4 recorded Q&A sessions

Flexibility Deep Dive Course


  • In-depth look at flexibility for climbing
  • Understand and integrate range of movement and strength work
  • Learn to write your own flexibility training plan
  • Weekly recorded Q&As with a coach
  • 10+ tasks to develop and apply your skills
  • Exercise library, including follow-along session
  • Lifetime access to course content
  • 14 day money-back guarantee
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Want to be more flexible for your climbing movement? Learn to create your own flexibility training plan in our new Deep Dive course.

Topics covered:

Module 1
Week 1: Your Flexibility Journey Starts Here
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Welcome to the course! We will start by making sure you know how to get the most out of the course. You will also do your first flexibility session with us!
Module 2
Week 2: Assess Your Flexibility and Climbing
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We'll kick off by guiding you through an assessment of your current flexibility (with an assessment tool that you can come back to time and time again) and discuss how this can impact your climbing. We’ll reflect on your climbing and movement, and consider your goals. Understanding where you are right now is crucial for laying the foundation for your flexibility training.
Module 3
Week 3: Anatomy and Physiology for Flexibility
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In this module, you will learn more about the body and the science of flexibility, and how we can apply these core concepts to our training to bring about improvements.
Yoga mat for climbers
Module 4
Week 4: Essential Flexibility Training Methods for Climbers
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Equip yourself with a diverse toolbox of training methods: passive and active stretching, end-range strength work, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF), and more. We’ll explore how to implement these, bring intention to your training, and stay motivated!
Module 5
Week 5: Flexibility Skills and Exercise Library
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Get hands-on with practical flexibility training exercises; with the guidance of our experienced coaches, explore our exercise library, tailored for climbers of all levels, and choose the flexibility sessions that are right for you – all with lifetime access! We’ll also cover the essential skills needed for flexibility training.
Josh flexibility exercise
Module 6
Week 6: It's Time to Get Flexible!
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In our final module, we'll empower you to become your own flexibility coach as we guide you through the process of creating your personalised flexibility plan. Learn the essential steps to tailor your training to your unique needs, goals, and climbing style.

What's Included?

50+ lessons

Let our coaches guide you through 6 modules covering everything flexibility-related, from assessment to training methods and choosing what is right for you.

10 tasks to develop and apply your learning

Test your knowledge week-on-week by completing tasks that will build towards creating your own training plan.

4+ hours of content

Quick, engaging, and to-the-point; everything you need to know in bite-sized chunks. Fit your learning around life and climbing!

Exercise Library

40+ exercises that you can use in your training plan. Plus, a follow-along flexibility session.

4 video coach Q&As

Don’t understand? Submit your questions on the week’s content and receive a video from our expert coaches with answers to the group’s questions.

Training Plan Template

Become your own coach with our downloadable learning checklist, assessment tool, plan template, and flexibility toolkit.

Want to create your own flexibility training plan, but don’t know how?

For many climbers, flexibility training means holding a stretch for 30 seconds. But there is so much more to it!

Here at Lattice, our coaches have a combined 150 years of coaching experience; we have tried-and-tested training methods that we’re psyched to share with you in this course.

Together with our expert flexibility coaches, you will assess your flexibility and its importance in your climbing. You’ll delve into the anatomy and physiology, explore the full range of training methods, and learn how to select an approach for yourself.

We will guide you through the process of creating your own personalised flexibility training plan. Year-on-year, your flexibility may change, but this process will still apply, making it a process that you can come back to time and time again

Is your flexibility holding back your climbing?

Struggle with those high steps? Can’t keep your hips to the wall? Want to move efficiently on the wall? Want to open up your options with your climbing movement? Sounds like you might need to train your flexibility!

Let our coaches guide you through the fundamentals (and then some!) of flexibility for climbing! Discover how to identify and target your areas for improvement, train effectively, and structure your training in a way that ensures consistent progress.

Start your flexibility journey today!

Not sure which course is right for? Let’s compare...

Flagship Course Deep Dive Courses Micro Learning
Topics Covered Broad range of topics Specific topics Specific topics
Specific topics 8+ hours ~4 hours ~1-2 hours
Number of lessons 100+ Lessons 50+ Lessons 25+ Lessons
Lifetime access
Available all year round
Sign-up required
Video coach Q&A
Price £145.00 £99.00 £35.00


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This course is valuable for all levels of climber! The great thing about training flexibility is that there is something for everyone! 

Flexibility is an asset that plays closely into our movement and ability to execute techniques when we are newer to climbing. This is a great way to support your movement learning as a newer climber.

As a more experienced climber, flexibility can open up more movement options in your climbing.

For all climbers, improving flexibility will help you get the most out of your other capabilities (finger strength, pull strength, etc.) on the wall.

In this course, we’ll teach you to assess your abilities and select flexibility training that is right for you. The exercise library that we share with you in the course has progressions and regressions – something for all levels of climber and flexibility!

While there is no strict prerequisite, we recommend that participants have at least 6 months of climbing experience to maximise the benefits of this course.

In this course, we’ll teach you to assess your abilities and select flexibility training that is right for you. The exercise library that we share with you in the course has progressions and regressions – something for all levels of climber and flexibility!


This course is accessible and appropriate for climbers who have never trained flexibility before, as well as those climbers who have tried to improve their flexibility and either plateaued, got frustrated, or had success but want to take it to the next level.

In this course, we provide the foundational concepts and approach that you can take with you and continue to apply to your climbing no matter how it evolves over time. This includes a range of tried and tested flexibility training exercises for a broad range of levels.

This course has been created for climbers over the age of 18. If you are under 18 and interested in training, we strongly recommend that you work in-person with a coach – under no circumstances should you watch the course and apply any of the training protocols without advice and supervision from your own coach.

Yes! This course fits well around whatever you are doing right now!

In fact, one of the great things about flexibility in general is that it can fit relatively easily into your schedule. Because flexibility training doesn’t involve your fingers and forearms, you can be resting these and starting to work on your flexibility. Some changes in flexibility can come relatively quickly and you may introduce flexibility training as a way to open up your range of movement ready for your climbing season, project, or whatever climbing you are enjoying right now!

This is not a yoga course.

Some climbers like yoga and that is great! If you enjoy it, it can be a great way to adhere to flexibility training.

What we have found through our years of experience is that not all climbers enjoy yoga and that is fine. You do not need to enjoy yoga to develop flexibility for climbing. In this course, we teach you a range of effective approaches for developing flexibility that we have found work well for climbers. There is no one-size-fits-all approach.

We are dedicated to creating free content on YouTube. This has been part of our core at Lattice Training for years! 

What our online courses allow us to do is deliver bitesize lessons in an order that lays out a learning journey.

We can include both theory and practice, as well as examples in a format that is focused on learning experience, and doesn’t have to fit the ‘click bait’ criteria of the YouTube algorithm.

It goes without saying that this learning experience comes with no ad interruptions and allows us to support your learning with downloadable resources, tasks, and quizzes to get you applying what you have learnt. We are dedicated to making our courses the best learning experience they can be and we will gather feedback from you to enhance the course – because you get lifetime access to the course this is an investment in something that will evolve and adapt with improvements over time.

The course is approximately 4 hours long. This is delivered over a 4 week period.

The aim is to complete about 1 hour a week. Don’t worry! We know that life doesn’t always allow this. You will have lifetime access to the course so you can revisit lessons as many times as you want. When you purchase the course, you will have access to the whole course from the get go – we do not drip feed the course over the 4 weeks. This means that over the 4 week period you can get ahead or catch up when it suits you.

The course runs for 4 weeks.

In week 1, you should watch modules 1 and 2.

In week 2, you should watch modules 3 and 4.

In week 3, you should watch module 5.

In week 4, you should watch module 6.

Each week you should complete tasks relevant to the modules you’ve covered. These will test your knowledge and inform the training plan you will create for yourself. You will have the opportunity to submit any questions you may have pertaining to that week’s modules. You will receive a video from a flexibility coach answering the group’s questions each week for the course’s duration.

At the end of each module, there is an opportunity to submit questions that may have come up for you. We will then tackle these in a recorded weekly Q&A that you can watch at your convenience. 

Whilst we recommend which modules you should cover each week, you can move through the course at your own pace and revisit sections.

You retain access to the course and coach Q&As once the course has finished. This means that you can use the course material  to support your climbing for years, as your climbing and flexibility develops, or as your lifestyle changes.

After you have purchased the course, you will receive a confirmation email from Lattice Training with instructions on how to access the course. In addition, you will receive a email from Lattice Training Education to set a password to log into the course platform.

These instructions are also available within your ‘Account’ under ‘Memberships’.

If you want to access the course via the mobile app, Kajabi, using the link in your email from Lattice Training Education, set a password to log into the course platform. Once you have done this, your email address will enable you to log into the app.

If you are experiencing any issues please contact us.

Once enrolled, you’ll enjoy lifetime access to the course.

If you change your mind, we will offer a full refund within 14 days after purchase if you have only partially viewed the course.

You can request to cancel by submitting a Cancellation Form

See our Terms of Service

See our Cancellation Policy

If you work with a coach, you may not be looking to program your own training. However, understanding flexibility training and the process behind programming can still be incredibly useful. Knowing how to train well is an important stepping stone when it comes to completing a training program effectively. Understanding why we are doing what we are doing allows us to troubleshoot and communicate effectively with a coach.

If you’re a climbing coach looking to expand your knowledge, this course would be great for you!

If you’ve been coaching for a while and feel confident prescribing flexibility training, then this may be less appropriate. If you’re unsure, please contact us,  for further guidance.

If you’re just getting started as a coach, our flagship course, ‘A Climber’s Guide to Training’, would be the best place to begin.

If you would like to purchase the course with multiple logins for your gym coaching team, please contact us.

If the course is not right for you, then you can get your money back. We would really appreciate it if you took the time to fill out our returns form so that we can continue to learn and best serve the climbing community.

You can request to cancel by submitting a Cancellation Form

See our Terms of Service

See our Cancellation Policy

You will receive a confirmation email from Lattice Training with instructions on how to access the course. In addition, you will receive a email from Lattice Training Education to set a password to log into the course platform.

These instructions are also available within your ‘Account’ under ‘Memberships’.

If you want to access the course via the mobile app, Kajabi, using the link in your email from Lattice Training Education, set a password to log into the course platform. Once you have done this, your email address will enable you to log into the app.

If you are experiencing any issues please contact us.

Can't see your question answered here? Feel free to get in touch with us.