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How To Use A Tindeq Progressor 200
There are lots of different ways to use the Progressor to train and track your finger strength progress, so here are a few ideas:
Want to train your fingers but don’t have weights? Attach your lifting edge to the Tindeq Progressor, and connect the pair to a fixed point. As you pull on the edge, the Tindeq Progressor will show you in real-time just how much force you are pulling through your fingers, allowing you to achieve the desired intensity without any weights or faff. Train through the range of intensities, hitting different stimuli, targeting the desired energy system, simply by pulling more or less.
Warming-up at the crag: Wrap a sling around your foot and use the Tindeq to ensure your warm-up is progressive – if you’re guilty of overdoing it in your warm-up, the Progressor will help!
Pick-up training: Next time you’re training pick-ups with your lifting edge (a.k.a. portable hangboard, lifting block, etc.) attached to free weights, use a couple of carabiners to connect the Tindeq in between the two. This allows you to accurately measure the exact force your fingers are lifting, as well as the rate of force production.
Level-up your hangboarding: Grab your portable hangboard (like the Mega Bar) or lifting edge and suspend them and the Tindeq from above. Train as you would usually on one hand or two, and check the Tindeq to find out exactly how much force your fingers are supporting. (Remember to halve the force if you’re training on two hands!)
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