Climbing Training Plans

Written by a world-class coach

What's included in a training plan?

What's included in a training plan?

  • 100% personalised, never cookie cutter
  • Assessments: We have the biggest dataset in climbing!
  • Access to Lattice Training App
  • Optional: Ongoing coach support

Climbing Training Plan

  • Focused on holistic performance
  • Includes assessment
  • One-off payment

Climbing Training Plan+

  • Ongoing coach support
  • Focused on holistic performance
  • Includes in-depth assessment
  • Subscription service

Flexibility Training Plan

  • Ongoing coach support
  • Focused on flexibility for climbing
  • Includes full flexibility assessment
  • Subscription service

Trusted by the best:

open quotation I couldn't have stayed motivated and on track without Lattice. closed quotation

Alex Honnold

Lattice Client & Professional Climber

We offer three types of plans here at Lattice…

Not sure what plan is for you? Let’s compare!

Climbing Training Plan Climbing Training Plan+ Flexibility Training Plan
Custom training plan
Ongoing coach support
Flexibility focus
Mini assessment
Full assessment
Flexibility assessment
Delivered via Lattice app
Optional consultation
Discount in-store
Subscription service
More Info Buy Now More Info
  • Full assessment
  • Personalised coach-written plan
  • Ongoing coach support
  • Coach consultation (optional)
  • Delivered through the Lattice app
  • Members-only discount
  • Subscription service
  • Price
    £105.00 / 4 weeks

*Subscription services require deposit upfront

  • Mini assesment
  • Personalised coach-written plan
  • Delivered through the Lattice app
  • One-off payment
  • Price
    £47.00 / 4 weeks
  • Mini assesment
  • Personalised coach-written plan
  • Delivered through the Lattice app
  • One-off payment
  • Price
    £47.00 / 4 weeks

Frequently Asked Questions


No problem! Many of our clients come to us for their first coaching experience.

All our plans are delivered via our app, including detailed exercise descriptions and videos showing you how to complete the training, ensuring anyone with any level of experience can train effectively.

Yes! We work with clients all over the globe.

All of our coaching services are offered remotely so you can access world-class training, wherever you are based.

Most of the climbers we work with have full time jobs, often with families and other responsibilities.

Our Climbing Training Plan+ is ideal for a busy lifestyle. This training plan includes ongoing coach support, meaning if something last minute comes up, your coach can edit your plan to suit.

We have experience working with athletes across a huge range of abilities; from those attempting their first V6 all the way up to professional rock climbers.

For our Climbing Training Plan, in the last 12 months, you must have bouldered V4/6B or sport climbed 6b+/5.10+.

For our Climbing Training Plan+, in the last 12 months, you must have bouldered V5/6C or sport climbed 7a+/5.12a.

For a Flexibility Training Plan, in the last 12 months, you must have bouldered V4/6B or sport climbed 6b+/5.10+.

Absolutely not! Most of our clients are aged 35-50 (and we have worked with climbers well into their golden years!).

All of our climbers in this age range – whether they started late in life or not – are perfectly capable of getting stronger and fitter, and we see this on a weekly basis.

Yes, of course!

We’ll work with you to find the healthy balance between structured and unstructured climbing that’s necessary to keep your training sustainable in the long-term; whether that’s structured climbing indoors in the week and unstructured climbing outdoors at the weekends, or squeezing training into your lunch break to complement your social climbing in the evening.

All our training plans are focused on developing the physical attributes needed for climbing. Your coach will look at the results of your testing and write a custom physical training plan to develop these.

If you’re hoping to focus on developing technique, we would recommend you work with a local in-person coach. Our coaches are able to offer some feedback from videos of you climbing, however, the focus of our plans is to develop your physical characteristics.

Consideration 1: The Grade You Climb

For our Climbing Training Plan and Flexibility Training Plan, in the last 12 months, you must have bouldered V4/6B or sport climbed 6b+/5.10+.

For our Climbing Training Plan+, in the last 12 months, you must have bouldered V5/6C or sport climbed 7a+/5.12a.

At the intermediate level, all of our plans are suitable and further considerations will determine which plan is right for you.

For anyone climbing at an advanced or elite level, we would recommend our Climbing Training Plan+ which includes ongoing coach support as your training is likely to be more nuanced and may need adjusting within a training block.

Consideration 2: Your Focus

If flexibility is your priority, then you should choose a Flexibility Training Plan. Whilst all of our coaches are able to prescribe flexibility as part of a plan focused on overall holistic performance, climbers hoping to improve their flexibility primarily would benefit from the expertise of our dedicated flexibility coaches.

Consideration 3: Level of Coach Support

If you are someone who has lots of questions for a coach, requires plan re-writes and edits due to a busy life or last-minute changes or inconsistent access to facilities, or if you simply want ongoing contact with your coach, our Climbing Training Plan+ is perfect for you.

If you’re happy with a self-led approach without ongoing coach support and monitoring, our Climbing Training Plan is right for you.

Consideration 4: Training History & Experience

If you’re someone who has never trained before or is relatively new to structured training, it’s likely that our Climbing Training Plan will meet your needs.

If you have a long history of structured training, it’s likely that our Climbing Training Plan+ will be more appropriate as you’ll be able to work with your coach in an ongoing way to nuance your training plan. This plan is perfect for anyone trying to break plateau.

Can't see your question answered here? Feel free to get in touch with us.