Lattice Blog

Research & Data | Training Tips | Women's Training Series

What should women train for rock climbing?

In 2021, Lattice COO Dr Dave Giles published a paper exploring the anthropometry (body proportions) and performance characteristics of female climbers, specifically looking at a…

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Education | Endurance | Training Tips | Videos

What is endurance training in climbing?

Endurance training is probably one of the most misunderstood aspects of training for climbing. We think that, because we fall off when we’re ‘pumped’, we…

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Mindset & Mental Training | Training Tips

How to get the most out of BIG DAYS OUT!

Big days out climbing can be hard to manage! We often have big goals for big days. So here are 5 tips to help you…

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Mindset & Mental Training | Training Tips | Videos

How to Overcome A Plateau in Climbing

In your first couple of years of climbing, it’s likely you’re going to hit a plateau. For lots of people, this happens somewhere between V3-V6….

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Menopause | Older Climbers | Strength & Power | Training Tips | Women's Training Series

Strength Training for Menopausal Climbers

The menopause is an age-dependent physiological change that results from the decline in estrogen and progesterone, resulting in cessation of the menstrual cycle. The period…

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Flexibility | Products

A Climber’s Yoga Mat

Having good flexibility and mobility can help climbers to improve movement efficiency. Allowing us to get our body closer to the wall, enabling us to…

By Lattice Training

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Mindset & Mental Training | Training Tips

6 Mindset Tips for Successful Projecting

Do you struggle with your mindset when projecting? Now that bouldering season is here in the UK, we’re all excited to jump back on the…

By Matt Broadhurst

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Finger Strength | Videos

How to get finger strength like Aidan Roberts? The Vacuum Style!

Do you want strong fingers like Aidan Roberts? Then you might want to learn his ‘Vacuum Style’ of climbing! Aidan Roberts is known as one…

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Products | Sessions & Workouts | Training Tips

How do I strengthen my wrists for climbing?

Do you hate slopers? Then you might have weak wrists! If you feel like you wrists are holding you back, here’s some exercises you can…

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Training Tips

How to Balance Training and Climbing | Outdoor Bouldering

Here in the UK, Autumn feels just around the corner. And with the cooler temperatures comes climbing season, especially bouldering. We’re psyched to get out…

By Billy Ridal

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