Live Climbing Flexibility Coaching Webinar with Josh Hadley & Ollie Torr | 21st June 2021
To celebrate the launch of our new Lattice Flexibility Plan, we have opened up access to our usually private Monday webinar, so that you can access exclusive insider knoweledge and find out a bit more about flexibiity training for climbers!
In this week’s Lattice 365 live webinar, Lattice coaches Josh Hadley & Ollie Torr answer questions live from the 365 members group, topics covered this week focus on flexibility and include;
- Approching training with someone that has never been flexible VS someone that has…
- The biggest impact on Joshes personal flexibility journey, starting from someone that was previously ‘un-flexible’…
- Do too many people use bone structure/genetic limit as excuse to not train flexibility…
Watch the recording here only and we hope you enjoy!
Remember you can access all of our Monday LIVE coaching webinars, via the Lattice 365 members area, when you sign up for a Lattice 365 subscription today.
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