Lattice Blog

Finger Strength | Research & Data

Research and Training Collaboration: Beta Angel Project

Recently we’ve been in touch with Taylor at the Beta Angel Project about a cross-collaboration. We’d noticed that he’s equally as psyched about climbing research as…

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Research & Data

The best sport climbers in the UK

Over the last few years the list-loving geeks over at have maintained a list of the top 100 or so British male sport climbers…

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Research & Data | Strength & Power

Every Moonboard Problem Ever, Analysed

On today’s menu we have a special treat for you…we’re going to analyse every moon board problem ever created! I don’t really know what we’ll…

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Research & Data | Strength & Power

Ben Moon’s Moonboard Logbook

If you know half of anything about the history of climbing you will have heard of Ben Moon; from world class first ascents such as Maginot…

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Research & Data

Can indoor climbers do slabs?

There’s a common stereotype that climbers who spend a lot of their time indoors lack the finesse of climbers who spend more time outdoors, but is…

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Finger Strength | Research & Data | Strength & Power

Do strength imbalances make a difference in climbing? Part 1

We were thinking about left-right hand strength imbalances recently and instead of asking all the questions ourselves we thought it would be fun to put it…

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Nutrition | Research & Data

BMI and Climbing Part 3, ALL Climbers

We’ve already written a few posts looking at BMI and climbing across a few different data sets, and now comes the final chapter! We’ve combined every…

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Research & Data

Are Hard Climbs Better? Part 2

In our previous post we looked at user ratings for ascents in the top 100 female/sport/boulder database. We missed an important detail though…when an ascent is…

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Research & Data Climbers

In previous posts where we’ve looked at data from it’s always been from climbers in the top 100 rankings (female/sport/boulder). This gives us a…

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Research & Data

Are Hard Climbs Better?

[Update 13/10/2017: user NP pointed out an interesting issue with the below article in the comments.  We’ve done a follow up in Are Hard Climbs…

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