Endurance | Training

Training Series: Endurance

This blogpost covers endurance training; what it is, why train it, and how to train endurance as a route-climber or boulderer.

By Tom Randall

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Mindset & Mental Training | Training

Making Successful Climbing Goals

Many of us will be thinking about our goals for this coming year (New Year’s Day recovery always does that!) and we wanted to give…

By Tom Randall

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Research & Data

Research Discussion: Movement Economy

Lattice and The Beta Angel Project are at it again!  This time, we decided to chat with Taylor about the research of climbing efficiency.  This…

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Finger Strength | Research & Data

Research Discussion: Eva Lopez-Rivera Finger Strength

After the great feedback we received from our recent community discussion on the Rate of Force Development (i.e. contact strength) with Taylor Reed from The…

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Community Stories

Lattice Board Assessor Team – Harrowall

We thought it’d be cool to give a bit of an insight into what it’s like as a Lattice Board assessor and how our team…

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Finger Strength | Research & Data

Research and Training Collaboration: Beta Angel Project

Recently we’ve been in touch with Taylor at the Beta Angel Project about a cross-collaboration. We’d noticed that he’s equally as psyched about climbing research as…

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Research & Data

The best sport climbers in the UK

Over the last few years the list-loving geeks over at ukbouldering.com have maintained a list of the top 100 or so British male sport climbers…

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Interviews | Strength & Power | Training

Training Tips: Replica Building with Andy Burgess

In 2009, I had the idea that I could become one of the world’s best offwidth climbers just by building and training on wide crack replicas…

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Community Stories

Interview: Alice Hafer on breaking in to 5.14

© Irene Yee/@ladylockoff Firstly Alice, I want to say a massive congratulations for breaking into the 5.14 club! I think you’ve got to be really…

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Interviews | Mindset & Mental Training | Training

Training Tips: Mental Games with Hazel Findlay

Talking to Hazel Findlay about some of the hardest—and most important—mental tricks to focus on when attacking your project. One thing that many of us…

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