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Teresa Coimbra

Communications & Social Coordinator

Teresa Coimbra joined our team in January 2022 as a Communications & Social Coordinator, working part time alongside finishing her Bioengineering degree at the University of Sheffield, she also happens to be a big advocate for Women in STEM.

Teresa feels passionately about speaking up against outdated social constructs, which stems from a young age, growing up in Portugal where she felt training and climbing hard as a women was not always encouraged by the people around her – often even discouraged. Fighting hard to break away from such old fashioned views she has so far achieved sport grades up to f7c+, with f7a onsight, and bouldered 7B+.

With her sights set on harder projects, she likes to remember her father’s advice: “Although a ‘no’ is always certain, a ‘yes’ is a possibility, so go for it”.
