Lattice Blog

Why Is Assessment ESSENTIAL Before A Lattice Climbing Training Plan?

We are lucky enough to assess and train climbers from all corners of the world, from novice climbers to some of the world’s best. 

The reason we assess… it’s quite simple really… 

Is because, if we want to know how to train a climber most effectively, we need to understand where they are now and how it relates to their goals. 

It’s the objectivity and accuracy of our systems that give us so much more power to affect change and help you make the progress you want! 

So, what’s the key to our assessments?


Our methods and analysis have been created by our expert team of data analysts, passionate climbers and experienced coaches, to ensure that you get an accurate report of your strengths and weaknesses to use objectively in your training!


Our results are driven by the world’s most developed and sizable data set on climbers. We’ve been testing climbers across the world for 8+ years!


Completing an assessment is a crucial step in the training process, it allows us to create a customised, data-driven plan, helping you reach your unique goals and see real results!

Want to know more about our remote climbing assessments?

Read more about our training plans.

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