Lattice Blog

Mindset & Mental Training | Training

How To Make Climbing Training Fun

What training is fun for you? Do you love those hard board sessions? Or are you an enduro-wad? Maybe you like lifting weights? Why is…

By Mina Leslie-Wujastyk

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Older Climbers | Training

Managing Your Time | Training Over 40

Time management for training over 40 with Tom Randall. As we get older, we generally have less free time than in our younger years. Most…

By Tom Randall

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Menstrual Cycle | Mindset & Mental Training | Training | Women's Training Series

3 Strategies for Reducing Frustration on the Wall

Feelings of frustration and irritability are commonly experienced in climbing; when we challenge ourselves, we can’t expect everything to go smoothly all the time. We…

By Maddy Cope

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Menstrual Cycle | Mindset & Mental Training | Training | Women's Training Series

I Don’t Feel Like Training: What do I do?

“Training hard doesn’t feel accessible today…” We walk into the gym, ready to do the training session that we’ve planned… but… we just don’t feel…

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Mindset & Mental Training | Strength & Power | Training

What is RPE? How do I know my ‘Rating of Perceived Effort’?

Rating of Perceived Effort (RPE) is a common term in training. But what is it? RPE is measurement of the conscious sensation of how hard,…

By Cam Hartley

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Tips for Projecting in Warmer Conditions: Outdoor Climbing in Summer

Lattice coach Oli gives us his 3 top tips for approaching your project in warmer conditions. It’s the day to try your project again. It’s…

By Oli Grounsell

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Mindset & Mental Training | Training

Overcome Performance Anxiety: 4 Practical Sessions for Climbers

To look at how we might overcome performance anxiety in a climbing setting, as well as explore practical sessions to include in our training, we…

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Mindset & Mental Training | Training

Dealing with Frustration in Climbing: Handle Disappointment

Getting back on the rock after training season can lead to frustration in climbing. When we put time into training over winter, we can start…

By Maddy Cope

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Menstrual Cycle | Training | Women's Training Series

How to Track Your Menstrual Cycle for Training for Climbing

Coach Maddy explains how to track your menstrual cycle with training for climbing in mind! How much does the menstrual cycle affect performance? The answer…

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Flexibility | Training

3 Reasons to Stretch in Your Warm-Up before Climbing

In today’s post, coach Josh explains the benefits of incorporating stretching into your warm-up for improved mobility for climbing. 1. CONSOLIDATE GAINS If you’re doing…

By Josh Hadley

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