Finding New Motivations | Josh Ledbury in the Home Training Diaries
We know you don’t need to hear it again and again, but as we all know life is looking very different right now for most of us around the world due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
What this means for climbing and training is that climbing gyms have been forced to close, and outdoor crags are not advisable to visit. Work, play and training is all being done from within four walls in whatever way we can based on the space and facilities we have available.
In response to that, at Lattice we recently introduced a new 4-week Home Training Plan that can be completed entirely from home with basic climbing training facilities; a fingerboard, pulley, weights, pull-up bar etc. To see how you’re all getting on, and to inspire more home training, we’ve conducted a series of interviews with new clients…
This is Josh Ledbury. He is a UK-based climber whose favourite style of climbing is sport climbing, though he also hopes to get more comfortable in trad climbing. This year Josh has plans to get over to Malham to try some routes there, but instead for now has been putting his focus into training from home with the new Lattice Home Training Plan. We asked Josh some questions about how he’s getting on with his new training set-up and schedule…

How have you found training at home compared to your pre-corona schedule?
Much more intense! There’s a lot more on the finger board obviously in place of actual climbing. I’ve gone from two fingerboard sessions a week to four now. However these sessions are varied and targeting different areas. The amount of Strength & Conditioning has also gone up a lot, which is definitely a good thing as I have a lot of improvements to make there.
How has having a HTP helped during this period of time?
A lot! The lockdown has sapped my motivation, so having a training plan has helped make a schedule of things to do in a time where we seemingly can’t do much.

How do you feel working from a short 4-week plan affects your ability to stay motivated and active?
I find it really useful! I like the 4 week plan as when the lockdown is over, I’d like to get back outside straight away — so a short 4 week block is good. Otherwise, I may have been half way through a 3 month plan when it lifts if this wasn’t available, meaning I would probably have wasted some money. But the 4 week plan is great, I shall get another if the lock down continues. Hopefully you keep the option of a 4 week plan after the virus too as I’d be super keen to squeeze blocks in between trips.
What’s your favourite training session and why?
I like the mobility sessions; they force me to take the correct time on each exercise using the timer. That can only be a good thing!

Have there been any challenges you’ve faced whilst training and have you managed to overcome them?
There has been a few challenges in trying to accommodate setting up a place to train, and then also not getting carried away over-training. Compared to a few hours climbing, the training sessions seem short. I have to remind myself that they are much more specific and intense than climbing, the fingerboard sessions especially.
Do you have any interesting or creative setups that have worked well for you?
Yeah, I made a pinch block and a fingerboard frame out of some scrap wood. I also made a kind of rings set up out of a door frame, pull up bar, a rope, some cord and some sticks.

Do you train with anyone in your household and is that fun/helpful?
Ha, my wife reluctantly gets encouraged to train! It is nice going through the session with someone else.
What has been your funniest training at home moment so far?
Explaining to our housemate that jogging on the spot to warm up to hang from a little wooden edge with extra weights added to you is essential lockdown training.

Take a look at our Home Training Plans in our shop here.