Lattice Blog


Rate of Perceived Exertion in Training

Every 2 weeks here at Lattice, the coaches get together and take it in turns to lead a discussion on a topic of their choice….

By Cameron Hartley

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Education | Strength & Power

What is Power? How Do We Apply Strength in Climbing?

Every 2 weeks here at Lattice, the coaches get together and take it in turns to lead a discussion on a topic of their choice….

By Jen Wood

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Education | Flexibility

The Fundamentals of Flexibility Training for Climbers

Every 2 weeks here at Lattice, the coaches get together and take it in turns to lead a discussion on a topic of their choice….

By Josh Hadley

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How Your Warm-Up Helps Your Headgame for Climbing

Every 2 weeks here at Lattice, the coaches get together and take it in turns to lead a discussion on a topic of their choice….

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Education | Mindset & Mental Training

S.M.A.R.T Goals & Climbing

Every 2 weeks here at Lattice, the coaches get together and take it in turns to lead a discussion on a topic of their choice….

By Jen Wood

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Understanding Pain

Every 2 weeks here at Lattice, the coaches get together and take it in turns to lead a discussion on a topic of their choice….

By Raf Ford-Gonzalez

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Education | Nutrition

Lattice Coaches Educational Series: Creatine for Climbers?

Every 2 weeks here at Lattice, the coaches get together and take it in turns to lead a discussion on a topic of their choice….

By Maddy Cope

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Education | Strength & Power

Setting Training Goals | Part 2 – Madeline Cope

Catch up on Part 1 HERE Setting Training Goals Click Here For those reading from the northern hemisphere, the summer is finally here (yay)! As…

By Maddy Cope

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Education | Finger Strength | Strength & Power

Getting Strength Training Wrong?

This article is a full-length version of the Rock & Ice article published under the title “Climbers Are Getting Strength Training Wrong!” In April 2021….

By Tom Randall

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Education | Finger Strength | Strength & Power

The Truth Behind Strength Training: 4 Pillars – Tom Randall

The Truth Behind Strength Training by Tom Randall We’ve got some words of advice (and theory) from coach Tom Randall on the subject of strength…

By Tom Randall

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