Lattice Blog

Strength & Power | Training Tips

Training Tips for Climbers: Measuring Climbing Performance for Effectiveness of Training

In this weeks Training Tips Tuesday, Coach Maddy talks about how to measure the effectiveness of your training. Measuring key elements of performance over time…

By Jonny Kydd

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Endurance | Training Tips

Training Tips for Climbers: Slow and steady doesn’t always win the race

In this weeks Training Tips Tuesday, Coach Maddy talks about what advice she would give her younger self… If I could go back and tell…

By Jonny Kydd

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Training Tips

Training Tips for Climbers: Don’t Skip Leg Day!

Although climbing is a generally upper body dominated sport, especially when the climbing gets steeper, it is still important to have a well trained lower…

By Jonny Kydd

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Training Tips

Training Tips for Climbers: Not Just Playing To Your Strengths

If I could go back and tell my younger self about strength training, I would definitely talk to 18yr old Ella about the importance of…

By Ella Russell

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Interviews | Training Tips

Interview with Lattice Athlete: Josh Ibbertson

In June 2022 Josh Ibbertson became the third person to climb Rainman, 9b at Malham Cove. The route was first climbed by Steve in 2017…

By Interview by Lattice Training

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Menstrual Cycle | Training Tips | Women's Training Series

Female Climber Series: New To Tracking?

With more and more information emerging to help the menstruating athlete understand their cycle, there are now lots of tools out there to help us…

By Ella Russell

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Training Tips

Training Tips for Climbers: Approaching Harder Climbs

Breaking into that next grade either at the wall or the crag is something we’re all psyched to do but it can be daunting to…

By Jen Wood

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Education | Mindset & Mental Training

S.M.A.R.T Goals & Climbing

Every 2 weeks here at Lattice, the coaches get together and take it in turns to lead a discussion on a topic of their choice….

By Jen Wood

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Strength & Power | Training Tips

Training Tips for Climbers: Get Off The Fingerboard!

If I could go back and tell my younger self about strength training, I would definitely talk to 18yr old Cam about reducing the amount…

By Cam Hartley

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Menstrual Cycle | Training Tips | Women's Training Series

Female Climber Series: Young Climbers & Menstrual Cycles

YOUNG CLIMBERS… Starting your period and getting to grips with your menstrual cycle can come with its challenges. You may find it affects some areas…

By Hazel Dearlove

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